Sunday 11 May 2014

Current Events in our lives and on Global Events!!!

Taylor here,

What need to the told and said now is that we now entering the last period that's been described in the Book of Revelations. As such GOD has now ANOINTED people such as Wendy Alec, in order to fill up the gap in what's been unsaid in the bible or in lesser terms. The Bible has mentioned certain things, but left out the background details for now. So God has Anointed people such as Wendy Alec in writing the Chronicle Of Brothers series for filling up the details on certain subject's that are mentioned in the Bible on the surface. For instance on matters of Eternal Law and the Fall of Men through Sin by Adam and Eve. Who through their actions Rebelled against their sovereign Creator, God Yehovah, and through this than the legal entitlement of the 2nd Heavens [aka Universe] with all LIFE and that of our Planet [EARTH] and its Solar System would come under legal Rights of Lucifer [aka Satan in our current world] as our legal Sovereign LORD aka GOD, till the final Moment of Yehovah's Final Judgment. That also means that every system we uses on Earth is not coming from our true sovereign God Yehovah, but from Satan and only Serve him. Beside all the Sciences we have now here on Earth is Sciences coming from the Luciferian [Fallen] Angels, who uses the Anunnaki's to give this knowledge in ancient times to us Men. Part of Lucifer's Rebellion and Crimes against his Heavenly Father / God, the Universal Creator, God Yehovah, was that Lucifer and his Angels gave the Angelic Sciences to beings outside of their realm, to Non-Angelic Beings. This in part had set in motion their Fall, beside Lucifer intense Jealousy of God's finest Creation of All, Us as Human beings as we're endowed with God's blueprint in our DNA. Satan [new name of his old Lucifer] has still the intend to corrupt this for eternity by trying in near future to Chip HUMANITY with an CHIP called The MARK and this with a supplement that Illuminati has been working since 1970's as our core Robert had overheard within his Montauk Experience will be injected in humans and this supplement will activate The Mark as [that also Wendy wrote about, by being Anointed by GOD herself] being a DNA Overwriting program, that will demonize each wearer into a 'unwilling' Satanic Super Soldier that Satan wants to use when Jesus Christ will finally returns.

The Chronicle Of Brothers gives us the details in between lines that the Bible has been mentioning [see below her interview], but leaved out in greater details, such as her first 2 books shows, and her books 3 and later books will be about our current time line and what we gonna witnessing very soon.  

They also will try through Project Blue beam to create a Massive Return Of Jesus Christ and his Angels to lure Christians out and entrap them as Christians re the Biggest threat of Illuminati's goal for a NWO under their Sovereign Lord Satan. So I do warn Christians and others who reading this to be Vigilant for this. Before the True Christ will come back we will see the one that Illuminati has planned through this Project Blue beam and another Counterfeit Christ from Satan himself being thrown at us. 

See below a great and awesome link by Pastor Doug Riggs:   

He got many mp3's on the various subjects i described above.


May 10th, 2014, Vision of true Watchers from 
the Angelic Host, and God Yehovah!!
I Taylor, saw this vision projected into me, on the night of Friday 9th and Saturday morning May 10th, 

It was about a worldwide massive withdraw of an group of beings called the Original Watchers [not Satan's imitators] who operated as overseers by the Angelic Hosts under God Yehovah, this group was comprised of various beings in its various forms. We must remember that also Satan [formerly Lucifer] had his own group called The Watchers [Counterfeit], as usual he always imitated God Yehovah. In my vision I was watching the news [in and around for weeks to come], and on it came reports from ppl all over the world that they saw alien ships coming out of the earth and leaving the planet, and a group of beings came on television and said that they were to leave, they looked humanoid, and they were overseers for the angelic host, for Millennia's, but they now were called back by the Angelic Hosts and Yehovah, the Universal Father aka Our Heavenly father himself for the final phase to go into working.  Some of the scenes I saw could have been out as one of the great armada as we saw in the scifi series such as BSG [Battlestar Galactica] or any of the others, as in the vision, I saw them coming out of the Earth on a worldwide scale, and some of the ship were quite big as well. There was busing around in all news outlets on who and what they were, and of course world leaders with their lies came up telling their populations they knew them, which of course was a lie. Also in this new cults sprung up, I woke up out of this vision after they left massively the Earth's atmosphere. In part i saw all of this through a bird's  eye view. 

When I woke up it was so strange and so vivid as well... 

Please do remember that through History Lucifer / Satan has always imitated our Heavenly Father, God Yehovah. So when we speak of an group of overseers such as the Watchers, we have the true Watchers who operate for the Angelic Host and the Counterfeit one that operate for Satan and their Fallen Angels and Nephilim's. Satan can only Imitate whats already been created in a template. 

I hope that the readers who has read the above got something out of this.... Have all a Nice Day and Week ahead.

- Taylor.